Mylora Golf Course Richmond, BC
Property Facts & Highlights
- 2 courses, each configured as 18-hole executive course.
- Located in Richmond, BC
The Mylora Golf Course consisted of two golf courses owned by the same family and separated by Highway 99 in Richmond. Referred to as the No. 5 Road course and the Sidaway course (named for the roads they fronted on to) each course was configured as an 18-hole executive course.
Listing Agents
Property in detail
Although both properties were within the ALR, the No. 5 Road had the potential for Institutional development as part of a special zoning use along that portion of No. 5 Road. The purchaser has since commenced the redevelopment of this property to provide for 4 institutionally zoned parcels on the front portion of the site. The Sidaway Course, purchased by the same individual, is intended to continue operation.